Designing Places for Purpose: Keynote Presentation to Place Innovation Forum, Urban Land Institute Delhi

Designing Places for Purpose: Keynote Presentation to Place Innovation Forum, Urban Land Institute Delhi

Keynote Presentation to the ULI Place Innovation Forum, Urban Land Institute India. September 2023. In this presentation I outline the importance of a shift towards a more regenerative approach to urban placemaking, and what kinds of tools and practices this can involve. It starts, most of all, with a love for place and the many lively beings that we share our habitats with.

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So, What Kind of Smart City Do You Want To Build?

So, What Kind of Smart City Do You Want To Build?

In June 2019 I was invited to present at the annual Smart Cities conference in Melbourne, Australia hosted by Monkey Media. This conference was well attended by local government representatives and public utilities across Australia.

I spoke about the different models of smart city investments adopted over the past 20 years, and advocated for greater data-smarts around smart city investments by local governments.

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Conferences and Presentations - A snapshot

I frequently present on smart cities, data governance and urban digital strategy all the time - more than I can update here.

Here’s a snapshot of talks and presentations I’ve delivered over the years. To learn more, you can also just jump over to Slideshare where I’ve archived a sample of these presentations.

Keynote and Invited Presentations

Platform Architecture and Connected Cities. Presentation at ACA, Melbourne 2017.

‘Cities Plus Data: New Vocabularies for Living Cities’. Invited keynote presentation for Urban Growth NSW Half Yearly Review. Australian National Maritime Museum, July 2016. 

• ‘Cities Plus Data’. Keynote presentation to SGS Economics and Planning Annual Conference, February 2017, Museum of Sydney.

• ‘Cities in the Age of the Platform’. Keynote speaker, Media Architecture Biennale Smart Cities Symposium, UNSW, June 2016.

• ‘Platform Urbanism: Building effective platforms for smarter urban governance’. Invited speaker, NYU Centre for Urban Science and Progress, New York. October 2015. 

• ‘Platform Cities: The politics and practices of data-driven urbanism’. Urban Studies Foundation Research Forum, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, May 2015. 

• ‘Making Sense of a City in Transition’. Invited speaker, Arup Shaping Sydney forum, Carriageworks. January 2015

• ‘Past Forward: Speculative Adventures in the City’s Archive’. Invited Keynote. Presentation to the National Digital Forum, NZ. Te Papa, Wellington, NZ. September 2012. 

• Barns, S. (2011) ‘Intangible presences: Re-locating archives for heritage interpretation using mobile media’. Invited keynote presentation. Museum and Gallery Services Queensland State Conference. Mackay, 11 August 2011.

• ‘Dial History: Homing in on the Street’s Archive’. Invited keynote presentation. Sydney Design Week’s New Ideas Design Forum, Government House. Sydney, August 2010.

Selected Conference Presentations

‘Platform Architecture and the Connected City: Three Responses’. Invited presentation to the Smart Cities/Creative Cities Symposium, ACCA, Southbank, June 2017. 

‘Smart Cities: The Future, but not evenly distributed’. Invited presentation for University of Sydney Seminar Rebooting Smart Cities for Social Justice & Digital Inclusion. May 5 2017

‘Arrivals and Depatures: Negotiating an emotional landscape of memory and forgetting’. Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Conference, San Francisco, April 2016. 

‘Four Visions of Smart Cities’. Crossroads in Cultural Studies, December 2016, University of Sydney. 

‘Data topologies of the smart city: reflexive interventions’. Digital Methods Symposium, University of Western Sydney, October 2015. 

‘The Writing on the Wall: Projections of place and memory’. DH2015: The Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities, University of Western Sydney, June 2015. 

‘Eyes on the Street: Methodologies for historical informational landscapes’. Invited presentation to UTS Digital Humanities Forum, September 2014. 

‘Platform Urbanism: The emergent politics of open data for urban management’ Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Conference, Tampa Florida, April 2014. 

‘Visions of the City: Reflections on the urban spatial imaginary’. Right to the City Conference, University of Sydney, April 2011.

‘The Unruly City: When Tall Buildings Came to Town’. Refereed conference paper for Remembering the Green Bans at the Institute of Australian Geographers Conference. University of Wollongong, 3-6 July 2011.

‘Amplifying the City-Screen: Encounters with contemporary mobile audio practice”. Auricle: Sound cultures of the future. UTS, Sydney, September 2010.

Platform urbanism and data-driven urban policy

In this talk at the University of Glasgow I presented to some of my intellectual heroes (ahem, Ash Amin) about the challenges emerging for city governance when platform business models were entering the smart cities space. Forgive me if I seemed a little nervous ;-)

Cities in the Age of the Platform: Keynote

Cities in the Age of the Platform: Keynote

I was invited to give the Keynote lecture as part of the Media Architecture Biennale hosted in Sydney in 2016. In this talk I discussed the emerging challenges for urban policy making in an era of platform-dominated business models and data strategies. In this talk I advocated for a ‘new deal on city data’ - a call later taken up by the City of Barcelona’s Francesca Bria.

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