Research Publications

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Current Research Funding: Vice Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow, RMIT (2023 onwards), Industry Fellow, QUT Design (2021 onwards)
Previous: Urban Studies Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow (WSU, 2014-2017)) and Engaged Research Fellow (2018-19).



Barns, S. (2019) Platform Urbanism: Negotiating Platform Ecosystems in Connected Cities. London, Palgrave Macmillan. 

Journal Articles

Fernandez-Monge, F., Barns, S., Kattel, R., & Bria, F. (2023). Reclaiming data for improved city governance: Barcelona’s New Data Deal. Urban Studies, 0(0).

Cugurullo Federico, Barns Sarah, Del Casino Vincent J., Gulsrud Natalie M., Yigitcanlar Tan, Zhang Xiaoling (2023) Editorial: The governance of artificial intelligence in the “autonomous city”. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. Vol 5, 2023. DOI=10.3389/frsc.2023.1285175

Barns, S. (2021) ‘Out of the Loop? On the radical and the routine in urban big data’. Urban Studies Special Issue on Big Data. Invited Commentary. 2021;58(15):3203-3210. doi/10.1177/00420980211014026

Barns, S. (2020) ‘Re-engineering the city: Platform ecosystems and the capture of big urban data.’ Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2:20. 21 August 2020. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2020.00032

Barns, S. (2019) ‘Negotiating the platform pivot: From participatory digital ecosystems to infrastructures of everyday life’. Geography Compass, Vol 13, Issue 9, September 2019.

Barns, S. (2018) ‘Smart cities and urban data platforms: Designing interfaces for smart governance’. City Culture and Society Special Issue on Innovation and identity in next generation smart cities. Vol 12, March 2018, pp 5-12. DOI:10.1016/j.ccs.2017.09.006

Jacobs, B. Schweitzer, J., Wallace, L. Barns, S. (2018, forthcoming) Climate adapted people shelters: A transdisciplinary reimagining of public infrastructure through open, design-led innovation. In Dena Fam, Linda Nuehauser, Paul Gibbs (eds) The art of Collaborative Research and Collective Learning: Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice & Education, Springer.

Barns, S 2017, 'Smart cities and urban data platforms: designing interfaces for smart governance' , City, Culture and Society, DOI: 10.1016/j.ccs.2017.09.006.  

Barns, S. (2018) ‘We Are All Platform Urbanists Now’. In Rodgers, S. and Moore, S. (eds) Platform Urbanism Roundtable, Mediapolis, Roundtable No 4, October 2018. 

Barns, S. (2017) ‘Visions of Urban Informatics: From Proximate Futures to Data-Driven Urbanism’. In Fibreculture Issue 29 Special Issue: Computing the City, eds Beverungen, A., Sprenger, F. and Ballard, S. doi:10.15307/fcj.29

Acuto, M., Barns, S., Cosgrave. E., and McNeill, D. (2017) ‘Digital Infrastructures and Urban Governance’, Urban Policy and Research, Special issue on critical infrastructure, 35: 1, 20-31. DOI:10.1080/08111146.2016.1235032.

Barns, S. (2016) ‘Mine Your Data: Entrepreneurial governance by code’. Urban Geography February 2016. 37:4, 554-571.

Barns, S. and McNeill, D. (2016) Online Storytelling and the Non-Fiction City, Journal of Urban Cultural Research, 2:3. 

Barns, S. & Sumartojo, S. (2015) When One Idea Led to Another: Re-inscribing and Recombining Thinking Spaces Using Night-time Projections at the Australian National University, The Senses and Society, 10:2, 179-199, DOI: 10.1080/17458927.2015.1042243

Barns, S. (2014). ‘Sounds different: listening to the proliferating spaces of technological modernity in the city’, Space & Culture, 17: 1, pp. 4-15.

Barns, S. (2014) ‘Plus ça change? Remaking the city, ‘one site, one app, one click at a time’. City, 18: 2, 226-229. 

Barns, S. (2012) ‘Imagining real-time cities’. Design Philosophy Papers. 10:2. DOI:10.2752/089279312X13968781797913

Book Chapters

Barns, S. (2023)Ambient Commons? Valuing urban public spaces in an era of AI-enabled ambient computing.’ In Artificial Intelligence and the City Urbanistic Perspectives on AI Edited ByFederico Cugurullo Federico Caprotti, Matthew Cook, Andrew Karvonen, Pauline McGuirk, Simon Marvin. Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2023.

Barns, S. (2023) ‘Experiments in Practice: New Directions in Municipal Data Policy and Governance. In Data Power in Action: Urban Data Politics in Times of Crisis. Editors Ola Söderström and Ayona Datta DOI: 10.56687/9781529233551-009. View chapter here.

Barns, S. (2020). ‘Joining the dots: Platform intermediation and the recombinatory governance of Uber’s ecosystem’. In Ward, K. McMeekin, A., Stehlin, J. and Kasmire, J. (eds) Urban platforms and the future city: Transformations in infrastructure, governance, knowledge, and everyday life. London, Routledge. 

Barns, S. (2019). ‘Tools of the Trade: Urban Media and the Refashioning of Urban Space’. In Stevenson, D. and Krajina, Z. (eds) The Routledge Companion to Urban Media and Communication. London, Routledge. 

Barns, S. (2019). ‘So You Want to Live in a Pivot City?’ In Graham, M., Kitchin, R., Mattern, S. and Shaw, J. (eds) How to Run a City Like a Corporation, and Other Fables. Meatspace Press, Oxford.

Barns, S. (2019) ‘Responsive Listening: On Cities of Sirens, Smartphones and Sensors’. In Droumeva, M. R. Jordan (eds.), Sound, Media, Ecology. Palgrave Studies in Audio-Visual Culture. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-16569-7_11

Barns, S. and Pollio, A. (2018) ‘Parramatta Smart City and the quest to build Australia’s next great city’. In Karvonen, A., Cugurullo, F., and Caprotti, F. (eds) The Smart Cities Compendium: Global Experiences in Urban Innovation. London, Routledge. 

Barns, S. (2018) ‘Arrivals and Departures: Negotiating an emotional landscape of belonging and displacement at Barangaroo, Sydney’. In Courage, C. and McKewon, A. (eds) Creative Placemaking and Beyond. London, Routledge, 2018. 

Jacobs, B., Schweitzer, J. Wallace, L and Barns, S. (2018) Climate adapted people shelters: A transdisciplinary reimagining of public infrastructure through open, design-led innovation’. In Fam, D., Nuehauser, L. and Gibbs, P. (eds) The Art of Collaborative Research and Collective Learning: Transdisciplinary Theory, Practice & Education, Springer Publishing. 

Barns, S. (2013) ‘The Concrete Remains: The art of the modern in downtown Sydney.’ In Hamilton, P and Ashton, P. (eds) Memory & Suburbia: Creative Interventions, UTS ePress, Sydney.

Barns, S. (2012) “Street Haunting: Sounding the Invisible City.” In Foth, M. Satchell, C. (eds) From Social Butterfly to Engaged Citizen, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 

Working Papers, White Papers, Commissioned Reports

Monge, F. Barns, S. Kattel, R. and Bria, F. (2022) A new data deal: the case of Barcelona. UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Working Paper Series (No. WP 2022/02). View report.

Nicky Morrison, Sarah Barns, Alison Dunshea, Greg Paine, Jennie Pry, Jeeva Sajan, Susan Thompson, Ryan Van Den Nouwelant (2021) Making Healthy Places: NSW Built Environment Practitioners' Perspectives on Place-Making Opportunities That Help Deliver Health and Wellbeing Outcomes. View report

Barns, S. (2019) Understanding IoT and Connected Cities. Research Report commissioned by the Australian Council of Learned Academies, July 2019. 

Stevenson, D., Barns, S. and Mar, P. (2018) Understanding the Social Impacts of the Arts. Research Report co-authored with Deborah Stevenson and Phillip Mar for Create NSW. October 2018. 

Barns, S. and Mar, P. (2018) Waves of People: Exploring the movements and patterns of migration that have shaped Parramatta through time. City of Parramatta, 2018. 

Barns, S. and Killalea, M. (2017) Digital Typologies for the Connected Campus A Digital Placemaking Strategy for UNSW. Authored for the University of NSW, October 2017. 

A Data Strategy for Celestino Sydney Science Park. Authored for Celestino, August 2017. 

Barns, S. (2017) Using smart technologies for climate change adaptation in Western Sydney: A CAPS Research Report. Authored for the Institute for Sustainable Futures and NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), March 2017. 

Barns, S. (2017) White Bay Innovation Strategy: Smart City Principles, Urban Growth NSW (with SGS Economics and Terrior Architecture), April 2017.

Barns, S. and Griffith, C. (2016) Data Partnerships for City Indicators. Authored on behalf of Data61 for the Cities Unit, Prime Minister and Cabinet, July 2016. 

Committee for Sydney, 2016, Towards the Data-Driven, Responsive City? Research report commissioned by the Committee for Sydney #wethecity3, September 2016. 

Barns, S. & Killalea, M. (2015) A Digital, Design and Curatorial Strategy for Rutherford’s Den, Arts Centre of Christchurch, 2015

Barns, S. and Griffith, C. (2015) Roadmap for the Greater Sydney Commission Dashboard. Authored for Data61/CSIRO, Aug 2015.

An integrated online and mobile strategy for the ABC. Authored organisation-wide digital strategy for ABC Online Executive, August 2013. 

SMART Sydney: Role of agent-based modelling for transport planning on behalf of Arup, 2012. 

A National Digital Literacy Research Framework. Authored on behalf of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (2008) 

Creative Innovation Strategy. Authored first national creative industries strategy for the Australia Council for the Arts, 2015. 

PhD Publication (2010)

The death and life of the real-time city: Reimagining the city of digital urbanism. View PDF

Prizes, honours and awards

Senior Vice Chancellor’s Research Fellowship, RMIT, 2023-2017·          

Australian Postgraduate Award Fellowship 2005-9

Urban Studies Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2014-7

Asia Pacific Place Leaders Commendation Award for Digital Placemaking, STORYBOX Places, 2021

National Film and Sound Archive Centre for Archival and Scholarly Research Fellowship 2006