In 2013 I was awarded a three year fellowship on platform urbanism, a framework I established to understand the politics of governance around smart cities. This work has involved fellowships and projects with UCL City Leadership Institute, Data61 and NYU Centre for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP). You can find out more over at my research page Cities Plus Data or over on my Research Gate profile. A book on Platform Urbanism is due for publication in late 2019..stay tuned!

I’ve worked with CSIRO and Data 61 over a number of years delivering strategic advice and frameworks for the development and roll out of the Future Cities and Urban Living Labs initiatives. This work has included data strategy and governance for the Sydney Science Park Urban Living Lab and CSIRO Future Cities showcase.

The formation of the Greater Sydney Commission has meant Sydney now has a metropolitan-wide planning commission, charged with implementing The Plan for Growing Sydney. During 2016 I worked with the Data 61 and NSW Department of Planning to develop a strategy for the development of data infrastructure to support ongoing monitoring and reporting of this metropolitan plan over time.

What makes an innovation district - and specifically, how do governments and property owners seeking to develop a new innovation district need to think about technology, big data and digital activations? I was contracted by Urban Growth NSW in early 2017 to help advise on these questions.

In 2013 I was awarded a three year fellowship on platform urbanism, a framework I established to understand the politics of governance around smart cities. This work has involved fellowships and projects with UCL City Leadership Institute, Data61 and NYU Centre for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP). You can find out more over at my research page Cities Plus Data or over on my Research Gate profile. A book on Platform Urbanism is due for publication in late 2019..stay tuned!
I’ve worked with CSIRO and Data 61 over a number of years delivering strategic advice and frameworks for the development and roll out of the Future Cities and Urban Living Labs initiatives. This work has included data strategy and governance for the Sydney Science Park Urban Living Lab and CSIRO Future Cities showcase.
The formation of the Greater Sydney Commission has meant Sydney now has a metropolitan-wide planning commission, charged with implementing The Plan for Growing Sydney. During 2016 I worked with the Data 61 and NSW Department of Planning to develop a strategy for the development of data infrastructure to support ongoing monitoring and reporting of this metropolitan plan over time.
What makes an innovation district - and specifically, how do governments and property owners seeking to develop a new innovation district need to think about technology, big data and digital activations? I was contracted by Urban Growth NSW in early 2017 to help advise on these questions.