While based at the Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University, I've become more and more fascinated by the transformation of Parramatta as one of the epicentres of urban growth currently in Australia. How can open data and digital platforms be better leveraged to capture the scale of the transformation currently underway?
Connecting in with themes from my post-doctoral research fellowship around open data and its role in urban strategy and citizen engagement, I established a 'This is Parramatta' dashboard-of-sorts with my colleagues from ICS. This has become something of a clearing house for work underway at the Institute that has a Parramatta focus, but its original intention was to look at what views of the city could be generated through various off the shelf data platforms and open data repositories.
You can have a squizz at this platform below (click through for more). The site currently featured a project I developed in partnership with SGS Economics on Mapping Liveability in Parramatta - again, testing the potential for open data to capture urban insights and transformation underway. You can read more about the Mapping Liveability project here.