The digitisation of urban interactions creates productive data that can be leveraged to support better decision-making and critical transformations in the design of cities. And yet, as attention toward platform business models makes clear, many of today's digital platforms yield not just new data points or information flows that can enhance urban intelligence. They also raise complex new challenges to do with how data are used to capture and govern the informational landscapes of digitally mediated cities, provoking new challenges for urban leaders and decision makers.
Read Moreplatform urbanism
New book! Platform Urbanism
I’ve written a new book on Platform Urbanism, published by Palgrave Macmillan December 2019. Read an Introductory excerpt here.
Read MoreYou, Me, Data and the City
Is the data-rich city taking on a life of its own? And can Hugh Stretton’s Ideas for Australian Cities help us navigate its hazards? My piece for Inside Story, commissioned to mark the 50th anniversary of Stretton’s seminal work.
Read MoreCan a tech company build a city? Ask Google
Sidewalk Labs, the urban innovation startup owned by Google’s parent company Alphabet, has announced a partnership with the City of Toronto to develop a new waterfront precinct. Time to ask Google: can you build a city?
Read MoreFrom URL to IRL: Reflections on urban digital possibilities
More and more of our daily lives – how we work, how we navigate, how we learn and how we entertain ourselves – take place through the interface of glowing rectangular screens. As a consequence there is mounting concern about what smartphones are doing to our attention spans, our capacity for random human interactions and our self-esteem.
Read MoreFrom Smart Cities 1.0 to 2.0: it’s not (only) about the tech
It’s now widely recognised that, despite the rhetoric of technology vendors, much of the early investment in smart cities failed to demonstrate significant benefits to cities and their citizens.
Read MoreMine your data: open data, digital strategies and entrepreneurial governance by code
A recent article on the uses of open data by city governments. A recent shift in the rhetorical aspirations of the open data movement away from the values of openness and transparency and towards a more confined focus on value generation raise important critical questions for urban geographers concerned with the nature of urban governance in an age of big data.
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